iU ビジネスピッチフェス「THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO」開催について
iUは「就職率0%・起業率100%」をテーマに、「学生全員起業」を目標とし、「ビジネス・ICT・グローバルコミュニケーション」の知識・スキルを身につけるカリキュラムを展開しております。なかでも、本学の学びの中核となる必修科目「イノベーションプロジェクト(通称:イノプロ)」は、学生全員が起業プランを企画し、プレゼンを行うアクティブ形式の科目です。「THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO」は、イノプロの成果発表大会として、各クラスから選ばれた12チームが、自分たちの起業プランのプレゼンし、学年最優秀チームを選出します。
第1部 13:00~14:30(1年生6チーム)
第2部 14:40~16:10(2年生6チーム)
田島 ひかる 氏/mint アソシエイト(https://mint-vc.com/team/)
Nick Drochak Technology Consulting Lead(https://www.slalom.com/ja)
沼澤 裕太 氏/株式会社アマナイメージズ 代表取締役社長(https://amanaimages.com/home.aspx)
坡山 里帆 氏/株式会社サイバーエージェント 社長室投資戦略本部藤田ファンド担当
原 和義 氏/GrowHack株式会社 代表取締役(https://growhack.jp)
福田 真衣 氏/Alt.vfx プロデューサー(http://www.altvfx.com/)


Details regarding iU business pitch festival THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO
From 13:00 on July 29, 2022 (Fri.), the Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo, President: Ichiya Nakamura; hereinafter “iU”; http://www.i-u.ac.jp) will hold a business pitch festival titled THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO featuring 12 teams of students, with investors and entrepreneurs invited as judges.
Based on the theme of “employment rate 0%, business startup rate 100%,” iU is aiming to help all students start their own businesses with a curriculum that provides knowledge and skills in the areas of business, ICT and global communication. In particular, the compulsory “Innovation Project” (abbreviated as “Innopro”) subject, which is at the center of learning at the iU, is an active course in which all students take part in planning and pitching startup businesses. THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO is an event at which business startup plans from the Innopro course are presented by 12 teams selected from classes, culminating in the selection of the year’s finest team. The winners will be awarded with a “GrowthHack Prize” that includes the following benefits: ① The opportunity to present at the Uketsugu startup event to be held on August 25, and ② the right to receive consulting until launch of their startup.
THE SHOUT SUMMER TOKYO will also be livestreamed on YouTube.
- Event overview and list of judges
●Date and times
July 29, 2022 (Fri.) 13:00-16:10
Part 1 13:00-14:30 (6 teams of first-year students)
Part 2 14:40-16:10 (6 teams of second-year students)
●How to watch
The event will be livestreamed on YouTube from the link below. (There is no need to register in advance.)
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/nS1yFBWePic
Maly Maly Masuda (https://profile.yoshimoto.co.jp/talent/detail?id=8839)
Bachofu (https://profile.yoshimoto.co.jp/talent/detail?id=9134)
Hikaru Takima – mint, Associate (https://mint-vc.com/team/)
Nick Drochak – Technology Consulting Lead (https://www.slalom.com/ja)
Yuta Numazawa – amanaimages Inc., President & CEO (https://amanaimages.com/home.aspx)
Riho Hayama – CyberAgent Inc., Fujita Fund Director, Investment Strategy Division, Director’s Office
Kazuyoshi Hara – GrowHack Inc., Representative Director (https://growhack.jp)
Mai Fukuda – Alt.vfx, Producer (http://www.altvfx.com/)
●Other information
Please check the dedicated page (https://iuinnovation.jp/) for details regarding this contest.